#2 How to… Reframe belonging for a hybrid world: Leading culture in new ways of working

How the sessions work

Helping leaders sustain effectiveness through the next chapters and beyond, so your business can not only survive but thrive.  This is session is specifically for Exec and senior leaders to reframe belonging to best serve the business now and future

We look at the practicalities and priorities, and help your leaders plan key milestones, how to respond to shifting demands, and how to evolve and scale into leadership practice.

A balance between feet on the ground pragmatism and sight beyond the horizon.

Who’s this for?

  • Best as a 2-hour deep session between exec leaders, all key disciplines:
  • ExCom leaders, HR, Internal Comms, Diversity & Inclusion, Operations, Divisional of Functional Leaders

What will you gain?

  • We’ll end with a sketch-plan of priority needs now, and milestones your team foresees
  • Connected thinking and co-creation between top leadership team

Session preparation and support materials


  • Checklist briefing input, via survey
  • Quick chat by phone


  • Rapid learning on key principles, so you can put into action
  • Discussion on critical points, to prioritise your actions afterwards
  • Template to capture your notes 


  • Short summary of key points from discussion,
  • Brief notes on a couple of principles and relevant techniques, 2-3 pager

Optional extra: 

  • Book an additional 1-hour advance briefing or follow-up
  • To tailor your sessions, dig into specific angles, enable deeper dive with leadership

To book a session please contact isabel@belongingspace.com

“Productivity isn’t a problem: belonging is”
Leader of a global company, quoted in Financial Times