Vision and Values

Values guide our decisions, show us what it means to ‘do the right thing’, and demonstrate the example of what’s tolerated and what’s not OK. Our boundaries and our moral compass are set by the codes of behaviour around us as much as, if not more than, a formal code of conduct.

This is deeply programmed in our sense of belonging as social, tribal animals. And it’s when times get tough that we see what we really value.

Our programmes help to make your values active, so everyone knows what they mean, and how to use them in everyday business actions.

Where should I start?

Values into action toolkit:
Alongside your team we’ll assess your current values, and find the aspirational values that will drive your strategies success. Then, we’ll create a toolkit to move people from A. to B. We do the initial exploration and aid the team to develop values that are appropriate for their business and strategy. Then, we create workshops and materials, training your team in the implementation turning values into action.


Putting values into action:
As with the values into action toolkit, but the implementation phase is run by our team, rather than training your team.

"You’ve given us a clear reference for what we believe in. We can hold it up each time and sense-check: ‘Are we doing the right thing?'" - Birgitte Skade, Berendsen